Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year

Since we haven't had one in awhile, I thought I would make that the title today! I am expecting a weird, yet blessed day.
I felt exhausted and worn out yesterday. I slept from 2-5:30! I didn't sleep well the night before, that's for sure, but then I had a hard time sleeping come bedtime.
In other news, what did you think of LOST? I thought it was very good, yet, I am confused if Desmond will die still or not? Its great he got to talk to Penny, but what are those clowns on the ship going to do with him and Syiad?
Its a nail biter!!

1 comment:

Blush said...

reading back through my old post on my newly updated blog.
hope you remember me, you were lots of help to me.
come see me sometime at blush reality.
love ya lisa,